Points of view: That's the whole story. Photos, thoughts, both brains at work for me, for us.
Points of You MethodWe are proud to be part of the international team of Points of You Certified Trainers and Facilitators.
Regarding every person, object, situation, or opinion we experience, there are infinite points of view. The real challenge is to succeed in seeing points of view other than those we already know, to see things from a new angle. Change usually begins when we’re ready to see things from other points of view. The ability to do so is an important part of the growth process as well as personal, professional, and even organizational development. |
How it worksOne of the cornerstones of Points of You is the integration of the right brain, which controls intuition and emotion, and the left brain, which is responsible for analysis.
This strategic combination is achieved by viewing a photo that touches our creative side, perceived as our female side, with a word describing a topic we deal with in our everyday lives, activating the analytical, or “male side” of the brain. Points of You Tools: The Coaching Game Punctum You can see the 4 stages of the method below. |
The MethodAt the beginning, we are wide open and exposed to as many points of view as it is possible to have on a specific issue in our lives that we want to work on. This issue might be our couple relationship, parenting, career, health, or any other subject that upsets us and concerning which we want to make decisions.
After we’ve succeeded in broadening our viewpoint, the process begins of gathering-in that aims us toward choosing, from the new options that have arisen, the one most appropriate to us, and to plan the actions that we must carry out to progress toward the goal we’ve set for ourselves. Further information about the Method you can find here. |
WorkshopsWe offer several workshops using this method. Some of them are accredited by the International Coach Federation and participants get necessary credit points for attending them.
We will be happy to give you more information concerning these workshops. Contact us for a free consultation. You can learn more about Point of You and about the interesting (hi)story of this approach. |